When we're younger, we often take for granted our ability to balance—it just happens without much thought or effort. As we get older, however, this becomes more difficult to maintain. The good news is that by paying attention to your body's signals and staying healthy, you can help yourself avoid falling as you age. Here are some tips for maintaining balance:
Staying physically active is key to maintaining balance as we age.
Staying physically active is key to maintaining balance as we age. Exercise helps to build and maintain muscle strength, improve cardiovascular fitness, enhance balance and coordination, prevent falls and injuries--and it can even make you feel better about yourself!
Here are some tips for staying active:
Start slowly. It's important that you progress at a pace that works for your body so that you don't injure yourself while exercising (or worse). If this means starting out with just five minutes of walking per day instead of the 20 minutes recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), then do so! The most important thing is that you're moving regularly rather than giving up altogether because it seems too challenging at first glance.
Mix it up! Try different activities like swimming or dancing instead of always going for walks every day; this will help build strength in different muscles throughout your body which will lead to better overall health down the road when combined with eating well-balanced meals packed full of fruits & veggies every day."
Maintain a healthy weight.
Maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of staying active and maintaining balance. Losing weight can help you avoid falls, which are one of the leading causes of injury in older adults. A healthy diet will also reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes--two conditions that are common among older people who have trouble moving around as much as they used to do.
Try new activities if you're not used to being active.
If you're not used to being active, try new activities. Walking, cycling and swimming are all great ways to get your heart pumping. If those options aren't feasible in your area or weather doesn't permit them, dancing is another fun way to get moving!
It's important that you find something that fits into your life and can be done regularly. You don't have to do the same thing every day; just try getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day for good health benefits and weight loss results!
Pay attention to your body's signals.
As you age, it's important to pay attention to your body's signals. That means knowing when you need to take a break and sit down for a while or drink some water, for example. It also means knowing when it is time to call it quits on an activity that may be too strenuous for the day.
For example: If you're walking on ice or slippery surfaces with poor traction, such as wet grass or sandals (which don't provide much stability), consider using an elevator instead of stairs until conditions improve. Similarly, if your shoes aren't providing enough support for your feet or ankles--or if they cause pain when worn--you should consider investing in new footwear that supports better balance while walking around town!
Stop before you feel too tired.
You may find yourself feeling tired as you age. This is normal, but it's important to know when to stop before getting too tired.
If you feel tired, stop what you're doing immediately and take a break.
Don't push yourself beyond your limits or continue with whatever activity if it causes pain or discomfort in any way.
Make sure that the environment around you is safe and secure so that there are no accidents when taking breaks from activities such as driving or cooking food on the stovetop (for example).
Pay attention to your posture, even when sitting and standing for long periods of time.

Make sure your footwear fits properly and offers good support for your feet, ankles and knees.
Make sure your footwear fits properly and offers good support for your feet, ankles and knees.
Don't wear shoes with high heels.
Choose flats with a stable sole or heel.
Wear athletic shoes that have good arch support and shock absorption if you plan to be on your feet all day; these should also be comfortable enough to wear all day long without causing pain or fatigue in the feet, legs or backside.
Exercise, healthy diet, regular check-ups are all important parts of maintaining balance
Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains; limit salt intake to help reduce high blood pressure; eat small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones; drink plenty of water (about eight glasses per day) because dehydration can increase dizziness or fainting spells.
Exercise regularly -- at least 30 minutes per day on at least five days each week -- to maintain strength and flexibility in your muscles so they're less likely to become weak if you start losing weight due to illness or aging-related changes in metabolism. It also helps keep bones strong enough to prevent fractures from falls resulting from osteoporosis
Get a full physical exam by a health care provider every year, including vision and hearing tests, as well as blood pressure checks and screenings for heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases that affect balance and fall risk.
Maintaining good balance and mobility as we age is important.
Find a personal trainer or physical therapist to help you if you are unsure where to start
Focus on a variety of movements and sensory conditions (e.g. eyes open and closed) to challenge your balance
Strength training is an important component of balance
While we can stop the aging process, there are many things you can do to stay healthy and active as you age. Exercise, healthy diet, regular check-ups are all important parts of maintaining balance. If you have any questions about how to maintain your balance as we age, please call your doctor or health care provider right away